Economic Empowerment: Sitotaw’s Story

Since 2013, Project Ethopia has supplied microloans for 157 households in five rural kebeles. One of these households is that of Sitotaw and Addisie who live in Bacha Berayta with their five children.

Ten years ago, Sitotaw’s life was marked by the harsh reality of being a daily laborer, with an income that barely met the needs of his family. His life took a pivotal turn after a life-changing conversation with Workineh Genetu, Project Ethiopia’s Country Director. Recognizing Sitotaw’s hardworking nature, Workineh advised Sitotaw to join the local Savings and Credit Association.

Following this advice, Sitotaw started saving diligently. Over time he managed to accumulate enough savings to request a small loan from Project Ethiopia which he used to purchase ten sheep. This investment marked the beginning of his journey towards financial stability and growth.

Within five years, Sitotaw’s flock of sheep had multiplied from ten to sixty-five. He utilized the proceeds from selling twelve sheep annually to purchase two oxen and two cows. Sitotaw successfully repaid his first loan and the accrued 5% interest.

In 2019, Sitotaw received a second loan of 10,000 birr (approximately 100 USD), which he used to buy a mule and cart for transport services. This investment further boosted his income, enabling him to repay the second loan within two years and giving Project Ethiopia the opportunity and resources to assist other needy community members.

Today, Sitotaw’s life stands as a testament to resilience and hard work. He proudly owns an iron-roofed home, two oxen, eight cows, a mule cart, four sheep, a modern beehive along with five local beehives, and two hectares of corn farmland, assets valued at over 745,000 birr (approximately $7,000 USD). He is grateful for Project Ethiopia’s microloan fund as well as the numerous trainings and sound advice he has received.

Sitotaw’s commitment to his family’s future is evident in his decision to ensure that his children received a proper education. His first son, Melese, now 23 and in grade 10, operates his own mule cart service. His second son, Tewachew, 20, is a soldier who completed grade 9. Andualem, 18, the third son, now works in a sugar factory. Ten-year-old daughter, Emenat, is in grade 2, while the youngest, Selenat, is just two years old.

Sitotaw’s journey from daily laborer to thriving farmer is a story of hope, perseverance, and the transformative power of community support. He is now a beacon of inspiration, sharing his experience and life improvements with other community members, wishing for them the same opportunities he received.


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