A Look Ahead: Project Plans for 2020

As we wrap up the remaining work for 2019, we also take the time to identify our next projects and make plans for 2020. Next year we are excited to continue our community-led projects in all three impact areas – Access to Education, Healthy Homes, and Economic Opportunities. This will include:

  • Two new primary school buildings in the communities of East Zelessa and Wufta-Dati
  • School wells at Zagray Primary and Dimsa Primary
  • A new micro loan fund for the community of Giraghe
  • Iron roofing for 50 of the poorest residents of Dimsa
  • Solar lanterns for all 506 households in Dengeshta
  • 100 University Transition Awards
  • Establishment of one new Farmers’ Association

In the coming year, we will also be looking deeply at our organizational capacity, revisiting the mission and vision, and charting a strategic course for Project Ethiopia. We look forward to keeping our supporters updated on both our project and organizational work and sharing the outcomes we will make happen together in support of rural communities and families. Thank you so much for helping to make that possible!

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